Setting up Modern Authentication in Office 365

TrueChem version 22.5.1+

Modern Authentication is the recommended method for connecting to Office 365. These instructions will help you configure Office365 to accept mail sent from TrueChem.

These changes must be performed by an Office 365 Administrator. TrueLogic is not your Office 365 Administrator and does not have the permissions to make these change for you.

1. Register an application in the Azure Portal

To use Microsoft/Office365 OAUTH to authenticate, you must create an “App registration” at

2. Assign API permissions

Now you need to assign API permissions to the App Registration. TrueChem only needs the Mail.Send permission.

3. Granting consent to the API permission

The user right has been added but it cannot be used until it has been granted consent by an Office 365 administrator.

4. Authentication and Redirect URI

If this is the first mobile or desktop application to use OAuth 2.0 in your organization, you may need to add a redirect uri.

5. Client ID and Client Secrets

The Client Secret is a password and should be treated as such. This secret should only be used with TrueChem and should not be shared or reused for other applications.

6. TrueChem settings